Error: 2812
<p>各位看看,我这是不是tempdb库太小了。出这错误提示:</p><p>00:00000:00001:2006/08/02 14:28:38.90 server Space available in the log segment has fallen critically low in database 'tempdb'. All future modifications to this database will be suspended until the log is successfully dumped and space becomes available.<br/></p><p>00:00000:00026:2006/08/02 14:28:39.01 server Error: 2812, Severity: 16, State: 5<br/></p><p>00:00000:00026:2006/08/02 14:28:39.01 server Stored procedure 'sp_thresholdaction' not found. Specify owner.objectname or use sp_help to check whether the object exists (sp_help may produce lots of output).<br/></p><p></p> 转移日志, 腾出空间. 或增加存储空间