<p># ./RUN_SYBASE &<br/> 25766<br/># Incorrectly built binary which accesses errno or h_errno directly. </p><p>Needs to be fixed.<br/>00:00000:00000:2006/08/29 09:47:41.10 kernel Warning: There is no valid license for ASE </p><p>server product. Server is booting with all the option features disabled.<br/>00:00000:00000:2006/08/29 09:47:41.30 kernel Using config area from primary master device.<br/>00:00000:00000:2006/08/29 09:47:41.33 kernel Detected 1 physical CPU<br/>00:00000:00000:2006/08/29 09:47:41.33 server Illegal value '4' specified for configuration </p><p>option 'number of engines at startup'. The legal values are between '1' and '1'.<br/>00:00000:00000:2006/08/29 09:47:41.34 server The value specified for configuration option </p><p>'number of engines at startup' '4' may not be greater than the number of available CPUs '1'.<br/>00:00000:00000:2006/08/29 09:47:41.34 server 'number of engines at startup' has been </p><p>modified from '4' to '1' by the verification routine.<br/>00:00000:00000:2006/08/29 09:47:41.37 kernel os_get_shmid: write to /opt/sybase-</p><p>12.5/ASE/SYBASE.krg failed: No space left on device<br/>00:00000:00000:2006/08/29 09:47:41.37 kernel kbcreate: couldn't get shmid for kernel </p><p>region.<br/>00:00000:00000:2006/08/29 09:47:41.37 kernel kistartup: could not create shared memory<br/></p> 不知道你用的什么版本,提示没有合法的授权啊! 内核参数未设置,参考 ase.sybaseclub.org<br/> <p>看看ASE-12_5下是否有.KRG文件。如果有应该删除在启动服务。</p><p>或者修改SYBASE内存参数,把内存全部锁定在LOCK SHARED MEMORY改成1</p>