In the task,you will complete a cursor that inserts data into atable,When complete,the script creats a cursor that read every type
from the titles table,determines the average price for titles of titles
of that type.and then inserts the information into the types table.<br/>
The script is supposed to do the following:<br/>
a. Create a read-only cursor called type_insert on titles that <br/>
queries distinct data in the type column.<br/>
b. Declare two variables:a char(12) value called @type and a <br/>
money variable called @avg_price.<br/>
c. Open the cursor and fetch the first row into a targer list.<br/>
d. While there are rows remaining,calulate the average price for
the fetched type,insert the appropriate information into the<br/>
types table,and fetch the next row.<br/>
e. Display the data in the types table.<br/>