求助 ERROR #5152 DSI
开始的时候 是 修改了 源端的表字段长度,把目的端改过来后,就报这个错误I. 2010/05/27 10:04:07. The DSI thread for database 'SYBASE_DB1.db_cdzcz' is started.
E. 2010/05/27 10:04:08. ERROR #5152 DSI(119 SYBASE_DB1.db_cdzcz) - dsisched.c(2752)
There is a system transaction whose state is not known. DSI will be shutdown.
I. 2010/05/27 10:04:08. The DSI thread for database 'SYBASE_DB1.db_cdzcz' is shutdown. 在主点,先stop相应DSI的agent,然后SP_WHO把DSI Agent的进程KILL掉,然后start dsi agent,就可以了