Pure Powerbuilder script tool to parse json【纯PB脚本工具解释JSON】
sailjson is a none visual user object for powerbuilder. This demo writted in Powerbuilder 9.You can free download sailjson and use it, but please keep the site address mark in script.
Sailjson:from www.pblsoft.com
Please reserve this information
sailjson provide follow functions to parse json data.
//the four function to parse json data and get values
public function string parse (string as_json)
public function integer getarray (string itemname, ref any va[])
public function boolean isarray (any value)
public function any getattribute (string itemname)
//this function to display json format in treeview
public subroutine buildtree (treeview atree, long handle, integer aobjectpcxidx, integer aarraypcxidx, integer aitempcxidx)
//the four function modify json data structure and get json data
public subroutine setattribute (string as_name, any aa_value)
public function any addarrayitem (string arrayname)
public function any addobject (string objname)
public function string getformatjson (string ident) //if ident='', will get packed json data
Please down load the demo to see details using.
Example Scripts示例json数据:
"version": "1001",
"header": {
"count": 3,
"comment": "items count"
"data": [
"colid": 1,
"colname": "aaaaaa",
"coladdr": ""
"colid": 2,
"colname": "bbbbbbbb",
"coladdr": null
"colid": 3,
"colname": "cccccc"
"creattime": "20150213.084829"
//this demo script parse the json data
sailjson json, ljson
string ls_json, ls
ls_json = '{"version":"1001","header":{"count":3,"comment":"itemscount"},"data":[{"colid":1,"colname":"aaaaaa","coladdr":""},{"colid":2,"colname":"bbbbbbbb","coladdr":null},{"colid":3,"colname":"cccccc"}],"creattime":"20150213.084829"}'
json = create sailjson
json.parse( ls_json )
//get version
ls = json.getattribute( 'version')
//get header, header is an object in json data
ljson = json.getattribute('header')
ls = string(ljson.getattribute('count'))
ls = ljson.getattribute('comment')
integer i,li_count
any larray[]
//get data, data is array of objects
li_count = json.getarray( 'data', larray)
for i = 1 to li_count
ljson = larrayls = string(ljson.getattribute( 'colid'))
ls = ljson.getattribute( 'colname')
if isnull(ljson.getattribute( 'coladdr') ) then
ls = 'null'
ls = ljson.getattribute( 'coladdr')
end if
ls = json.getattribute( 'createtime')
//to display json format in treeview
integer handle
handle = tv_1.insertitemfirst(0, 'root', 2)
json.buildtree( tv_1, handle, 2,3,1)
tv_1.expanditem( handle)
destroy json
本帖最后由 j528 于 2015-6-5 00:12 编辑
学习学习!!!! //====================================================================
oleobject json
oleobject wsh
wsh = CREATE oleobject
int li_ret
li_ret = wsh.ConnectToNewObject( "MSScriptControl.ScriptControl" )
if li_ret < 0 then
end if
string str
str='{"errcode": 0,"errmsg": "","retcode": 0,"recordlist" : [{ "openid" : "oDF3iY9WMaswOPWjCIp_f3Bnpljk","opercode" : 2002, "text" : " 您好,客服test1为您服务。","time" : 1400563710,"worker" : "test1"},{"openid" : "oDF3iY9WMaswOPWjCIp_f3Bnpljk","opercode" : 2003,"text" : "\u5f20\u4e09", "time" : 1400563731,"worker" : "test1"}]}'
wsh.language = "jscript"
wsh.addcode( " Array.prototype.get = function(idx){ return this; } ")
wsh.addcode( " Object.prototype.getattr = function(item){ return this; } ")
wsh.addcode( " Array.prototype.item = function(idx,item){ return this; } ")
json = wsh.Eval( '(' + str + ')' )
int tmp,li1
// 例如:注意要(tmp - 1),因为是从0 开始的
tmp=json.recordlist.length //得出recordlist节点包含的数据行数
for li1=0 to tmp - 1
destroy wsh
destroy json 这样就可以用了,可以把上面的代码直接贴到pb里面运行就知道怎样使用了 谢谢 及时 提供 不错,这些都是好文章,还可以用INET连接某个网页来处理哦,现在网上有很多这种网页转换XML啦,不过前提得系统能够上网 这样就可以用了,可以把上面的代码直接贴到pb里面运行就知道怎样使用了