1> dump tran MGZ with truncate_only<BR>2> go<BR>DUMP TRANSACTION for database 'MGZ' could not truncate the log. Either extend<BR>the log using ALTER DATABASE ... LOG ON command or eliminate the oldest active<BR>transaction in database 'MGZ' shown in syslogshold table. <P>处理过程:</P><P>不得不把服务重启了一下(还好用了也就十来分钟吧)现在数据库可以用了.但错误日志有如下提示:</P>
<P>01:00000:00019:2005/10/26 08:15:57.20 kernelNT operating system error 10108 in module 'e:\rel12501\porttree\svr\sql\generic\ksource\strmio\n_winsock.c' at line 1230: 没有已知的此服务。在指定的名称空间中找不这个服务。 .<BR>01:00000:00008:2005/10/26 08:16:47.73 serverSpace available in the log segment has fallen critically low in database 'MGZ'.All future modifications to this database will be aborted until the log is successfully dumped and space becomes available.<BR>01:00000:00127:2005/10/26 08:16:47.76 serverError: 2812, Severity: 16, State: 5<BR>01:00000:00127:2005/10/26 08:16:47.76 serverStored procedure 'sp_thresholdaction' not found. Specify owner.objectname or use sp_help to check whether the object exists (sp_help may produce lots of output).<BR></P>