93815200 发表于 2005-11-23 15:32:26


<P>请问所谓的备份master库是不是就是把master.dat复制一份, 不用dump database备份呢.?</P>
<P>如用dump database备份,那如果master发生错误,不是不能用load database恢复节吗?</P>

lllenxue 发表于 2005-11-23 17:05:38


93815200 发表于 2005-11-23 18:37:54

<P>请问如果是库出问题了,load 命令都不可以用,我还怎么导库呢.</P>

flybean 发表于 2005-11-24 08:23:55

下面的文字来自SYBASE手册之System Administrator Guide Volume 2 第27章 Developing a Backup and Recovery Plan之Scheduling backups of master:<br>
System Administration Guide 865Scheduling backups of masterBack up the master database regularly and frequently.<br>
Backups of the master database are used as part of the recovery
procedure in case of a failure that affects the master database. If you
do not have a current backup of master, you may have to reconstruct
vital system tables at a time when you are under pressure to get your
databases up and running again.<br>
Dumping master after each changeAlthough you can restrict the creation
of database objects in master, system procedures such as sp_addlogin
and sp_droplogin, sp_password, and sp_modifylogin allow users to modify
system tables in the database. Back up the master database frequently
to record these changes.<br>
Back up the master database after each command that affects disks,
storage, databases, or segments. Always back up master after issuing
any of the following commands or system procedures:<br>
•disk init, sp_addumpdevice, or sp_dropdevice<br>
•Disk mirroring commands<br>
•The segment system procedures sp_addsegment, sp_dropsegment, or sp_extendsegment<br>
•create procedure or drop procedure<br>
•create database or alter database<br>
Saving scripts and system tablesFor further protection, save the
scripts containing all of your disk init, create database, and alter
database commands and make a hard copy of your sysdatabases, sysusages,
and sysdevices tables each time you issue one of these commands.<br>
866 Adaptive Server EnterpriseYou cannot use the dataserver command to
automatically recover changes that result from these commands. If you
keep your scripts—files containing Transact-SQL statements—you can run
them to re-create the changes. Otherwise, you must reissue each command
against the rebuilt master database.<br>
You should also keep a hard copy of syslogins. When you recover master
from a dump, compare the hard copy to your current version of the table
to be sure that users retain the same user IDs.<br>
For information on the exact queries to run against the system tables,
see “Backing up master and keeping copies of system tables” on page 24.<br>
Truncating the master database transaction logSince the master database
transaction log is on the same database devices as the data, you cannot
back up its transaction log separately. You cannot move the log of the
master database. You must always use dump database to back up the
master database. Use dump transaction with the truncate_only option
periodically (for instance, after each database dump) to purge the
transaction log of the master database.<br>
Avoiding volume changes and recoveryWhen you dump the master database,
be sure that the entire dump fits on a single volume, unless you have
more than one Adaptive Server that can communicate with your Backup
Server. You must start Adaptive Server in single-user mode before
loading the master database. This does not allow a separate user
connection to respond to Backup Server’s volume change messages during
the load. Since master is usually small in size, placing its backup on
a single tape volume is typically not a problem.<br>

93815200 发表于 2005-11-24 10:48:07


flybean 发表于 2005-11-24 11:15:57


lllenxue 发表于 2007-9-27 18:46:22

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