rmb 发表于 2005-12-28 21:58:19


<P>update A, B set B.a = 0 where A.a = 'ZZZ' and A.b = B.b and B.b not like '%Y%'</P>

JohnPhan 发表于 2005-12-29 10:02:43

缺少FROM 部分

rmb 发表于 2005-12-29 10:39:58

<P>請問這個語句的該怎麼樣加From部分呢? </P>

xxgsymj 发表于 2005-12-29 14:16:25

update A, B set B.a = 0 <br>from A,B...ft<br>where A.a = 'ZZZ' and A.b = B.b and B.b not like '%Y%'<br><br><br>update table1 set col1=0<br>from table1,table2<br>where table1.col1='zzz' and table1.coln=table2.coln and table2.coln not like'%Y%'<br>思路应该是这样吧<br>具体没搞。。<br>错了别骂。。^_^<br>

njusheep 发表于 2006-4-15 10:36:28

<p>you just can write the SQL statement like this:</p><p>update B set B.a = 0 where A.a = 'ZZZ' and A.b = B.b and B.b not like '%Y%'</p><p></p><p>A is forbidden to apear between 'update' and 'set'.</p>
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