<FONT face=Verdana>This query requires 4 auxiliary scan descriptors, but currently there are only 0 auxiliary scan descriptors available. Either raise the value of the 'number of auxiliary scan descriptors' configuration parameter or try your query later. <BR><BR>如何修改?</FONT><p>If your queries need more scan descriptors, use one of the
following methods to remedy the problem:</p>
<ul><li class="fi"><p>Rewrite
the query, or break it into steps using temporary tables. For data-only-locked
tables, consider adding indexes if there are many table scans.</p>
</li><li class="ds"><p>Redesign the table’s schema so that it
uses fewer scan descriptors, if it uses a large number of referential
integrity constraints. You can find how many scan descriptors a
query would use by enabling <b>set showplan, noexec on</b> before
running the query.</p>
</li><li class="ds">
<p>Increase the <b>number of aux scan descriptors</b> setting. <br>
每个连接和工作进程需要独占的48个扫描描述符(用户表:16,工作表:12,系统表:20)。如果一个查询使用了超过独占的扫描描述符的个数(不是总数,是三项中任意一项超过),则会从<font face="Verdana">number of auxiliary scan descriptors中申请。<br><br>建议你首先检查一下SQL,是否需要这么多描述符?<br></font><br><br>