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最近在aix5.2上安装了sybase12.5.2 ,安装完成后没问题,但是只要导完数据后用一段时间数据库就会报605和692错误,而且安装后我也打了sybase for aix 的补丁,补丁号为EBF12871. 不知是什么原因?,望高手解答! 00:00000:00025:2006/12/04 10:17:16.62 server Page Information from first read attempt: Page read from disk ppageno = 843942, pobjid = 780526783, pindid = 0 pnextpg = 843943, pprevpg = 843941 plevel = 0, pstat = 0x1 pts_hi = 0, pts_lo = 4694521 00:00000:00025:2006/12/04 10:17:16.62 server Page Information from second read attempt: Page read from disk ppageno = 843942, pobjid = 780526783, pindid = 0 pnextpg = 843943, pprevpg = 843941 plevel = 0, pstat = 0x1 pts_hi = 0, pts_lo = 4694521 00:00000:00025:2006/12/04 10:17:16.62 server SDES Information: dbid = 4, objid = 709574535, scur.pageid = 843942 sstat = 0x100000, sstat2 = 0x800 suid = 1, cacheid = 0 00:00000:00025:2006/12/04 10:17:16.62 server PSS Information: pstat = 0x10000, pcurdb = 4, pspid = 25 p2stat = 0x1000, p3stat = 0x800 plasterror = 605, preverror = 0, pattention = 0 00:00000:00025:2006/12/04 10:17:16.62 server End diagnostics for read failure: 00:00000:00025:2006/12/04 10:17:16.62 server Run the DBCC command 'dbcc tablealloc' for both the objects 709574535, 780526783 |