if object_id("sp_identity") <>; NULL begin drop proc sp_identity end go
create proc sp_identity /* Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Rob Verschoor/Sypron B.V. */ @p0 varchar(50) = NULL, -- table name @p1 varchar(50) = NULL, -- hex value to decode @p2 numeric(38) = NULL -- new value to set as begin set nocount on declare @n numeric(38), @j numeric(38), @n256 numeric(3), @n10 numeric(38) declare @i int, @max int, @idlen int, @idlenb int, @ib int, @len int declare @p0_id int, @b int, @b1 binary(1), @lsb int declare @idgap int, @idburn int, @maxidgap numeric(38), @max1 int, @max2 int declare @idburnpct numeric(5,2), @v int, @ntab int declare @c2 char(2), @doampg int, @indid int, @dbname varchar(32) declare @vc50 varchar(50), @colname varchar(32), @vb16 varbinary(16)
select @dbname = db_name()
-- check version select @v = 0 if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = "sysqueryplans" and type = "S") begin select @v = 12 end
if @p0 = '?' begin exec sp_identity_help return 0 end
-- numeric values select @n256 = 256 select @n10 = 10
-- id burning set factor select @idburn = value from master.dbo.syscurconfigs where config=141 select @idburnpct = convert(numeric(5,2), @idburn * 0.00001)
-- figure out msb/lsb select @lsb = 0 if substring(convert(binary(4), 1), 1 ,1) = 0x01 select @lsb = 1 if substring(convert(binary(4), 1), 2 ,1) = 0x01 select @lsb = 2 if substring(convert(binary(4), 1), 3 ,1) = 0x01 select @lsb = 3 if substring(convert(binary(4), 1), 4 ,1) = 0x01 select @lsb = 4
-- get all tables containing identity columns in this database select id = so.id, owner = su.name, uid = so.uid, so.name, si.doampg, si.indid, idgap =
isnull(si.identitygap,0), colname = sc.name, sc.prec, maxgap = convert(numeric(38), ceiling((@idburn * 0.0000001) *
power(@n10,prec))) into #id from sysindexes si, syscolumns sc, sysobjects so, sysusers su where si.indid < 2 and so.type = "U" and sc.status & 128 = 128 and so.id = sc.id and so.id = si.id and so.uid = su.uid select @ntab = @@rowcount
set arithabort numeric_truncation off
if @p0 = null begin -- display all tables with identity columns in the current DB if @ntab = 0 begin print " There are no tables with an identity column in database '%1!'", @dbname return 0 end print " Tables with an identity column in database '%1!':", @dbname print " " select @max1 = max(char_length(owner + "." + name + "." + colname)) + 12 from #id select @max2 = max(char_length(convert(varchar(38), maxgap))) + 7 from #id
if @max1 <= 52 and @max2 <= 24 begin select convert(varchar(52), owner + "." + name + "." + colname + " numeric(" +
convert(varchar(2),prec) + ")") "Owner.Table.Column datatype", convert(varchar(24), case when idgap = 0 then convert(varchar(38),maxgap) + "
(burn)" else convert(varchar, idgap) + " (identity_gap)" end) "Maximum Identity Gap"
from #id order by name end else if @max1 <= 32 and @max2 <= 44 begin select convert(varchar(32), owner + "." + name + "." + colname + " numeric(" +
convert(varchar(2),prec) + ")") "Owner.Table.Column datatype", convert(varchar(44), case when idgap = 0 then convert(varchar(38),maxgap) + "
(burn)" else convert(varchar, idgap) + " (identity_gap)" end) "Maximum Identity Gap"
from #id order by name end else begin select convert(varchar(78), owner + "." + name + "." + colname + " numeric(" +
convert(varchar(2),prec) + ")") "Owner.Table.Column datatype", convert(varchar(50), case when idgap = 0 then convert(varchar(38),maxgap) + "
(burn)" else convert(varchar, idgap) + " (identity_gap)" end) "Maximum Identity Gap" from #id order by name end
print " " print " Legend:" print " (burn) : gap size is determined by ""identity burning set factor"" " if @v = 12 begin print " (identity_gap) : gap size is determined by the ""identity_gap"" setting" end print " " print " Current value for ""identity burning set factor"" = %1! (=%2!%%)", @idburn, @idburnpct
return 0 end
if charindex("sa_role", show_role()) = 0 begin print "You must have 'sa_role' to run this procedure." return -1 end
if charindex("sybase_ts_role", show_role()) = 0 begin print "You must have 'sybase_ts_role' to run this procedure." return -1 end
-- get some info on the object select @p0_id = object_id(@p0) if @p0_id = NULL begin print " Error: '%1!' is not a user table.", @p0 return -1 end
if @p0 not like "%.%" begin select @ntab = count(*) from sysobjects where name = @p0 and type = "U"
if @ntab >; 1 begin print " %1! tables named '%2!' exist in this database:", @ntab, @p0 print " " select owner + "." + name "owner.table_name" from #id where name = @p0 order by uid print " " print " Specify 'owner.table_name' to identify the table." return -1 end end
select @doampg = doampg, @indid = indid, @idgap = idgap from #id where id = @p0_id
if not exists (select 1 from syscolumns where id = @p0_id and status & 128 = 128) begin print " Error: Table '%1!' does not have an identity column", @p0 return -1 end
-- retrieve the length of the numeric identity column as declared when the -- table was created select @len = prec, @colname = name from syscolumns where id = @p0_id and status & 128 = 128 if @@rowcount = 0 begin print " Error: Could not retrieve length of identity column for table '%1!'", @p0 return -1 end
select @idlen = @len -- column precision (positions) select @idlenb = (@idlen+1-((@idlen+5)/12)-(@idlen/12))/2 -- column length (bytes)