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启动错误信息如下: Starting server anly23 on ciisds at port 2648 (12/18 16:33:07) Run Directory : /home/sybiq/ciisanly Server Executable : /home/sybiq/ASIQ-12_6/bin/asiqsrv12 Server Output Log : /home/sybiq/ASIQ-12_6/logfiles/anly23.078.srvlog Server Version : 12.6.0/ESD 6 Open Client Version : 12.5.1/P-EBF12010 ESD #4 User Parameters : '@ciisanly.cfg' 'ciisanly.db' Default Parameters : -gc 20 -gl all -gn 205 I. 12/18 16:33:10. Adaptive Server IQ I. 12/18 16:33:10. Version 12.6 I. 12/18 16:33:10. (64bit mode) I. 12/18 16:33:10. Copyright 1992-2006 by Sybase, Inc. All rights reserved I. 12/18 16:33:10. I. 12/18 16:33:10. 14 physical processor(s) detected. I. 12/18 16:33:10. Running on AIX 3 5 00CF831F4 I. 12/18 16:33:10. 49152K of memory used for caching I. 12/18 16:33:10. Minimum cache size: 49152K, maximum cache size: 49152K I. 12/18 16:33:10. Using a maximum page size of 4096 bytes I. 12/18 16:33:11. Starting database "ciisanly" (/home/sybiq/ciisanly/ciisanly.db) at Mon Dec 18 2006 16:33 I. 12/18 16:33:11. Database recovery in progress I. 12/18 16:33:11. Last checkpoint at Mon Dec 18 2006 15:32 I. 12/18 16:33:11. Checkpoint log... ============================================================= IQ server starting with: 200 connections ( -gm ) 38 cmd resources ( -iqgovern ) 1145 threads ( -iqmt ) 1000 Kb thread stack size ( -iqtss ) 1145000 Kb thread memory size ( -iqmt * -iqtss ) 14 IQ number of cpus ( -iqnumbercpus ) =============================================================
************************************************** *** Sybase IQ Abort: *** From: s_db.cxx:2500 *** PID: 553918 *** Exception Location: 0x165fa8470 *** Error ID: 533, Exception Type: 32937796 *** Thread: 346699 (TID: 1143, Original TID: 1143) *** Error #: 2, O/S Error #: 0 ************************************************** Wrapping iqmsg: Disabled. DBSPAWN ERROR: -80 Unable to start database server Server failed to start (Return Code 1) |