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00:00000:00001:2007/04/11 21:12:06.01 server Completed REDO pass for database 'master'. 00:00000:00001:2007/04/11 21:12:06.01 server Recovery of database 'master' will undo incomplete nested top actions. 00:00000:00001:2007/04/11 21:12:06.01 server Started recovery checkpoint for database 'master'. 00:00000:00001:2007/04/11 21:12:06.04 server Completed recovery checkpoint for database 'master'. 00:00000:00001:2007/04/11 21:12:06.06 server Started filling free space info for database 'master'. 00:00000:00001:2007/04/11 21:12:06.17 server Completed filling free space info for database 'master'. 00:00000:00001:2007/04/11 21:12:06.17 server Started cleaning up the default data cache for database 'master'. 00:00000:00001:2007/04/11 21:12:06.17 server Completed cleaning up the default data cache for database 'master'. 00:00000:00001:2007/04/11 21:12:06.28 server Checking external objects. 00:00000:00001:2007/04/11 21:12:06.42 server Database 'master' is now online. 00:00000:00001:2007/04/11 21:12:06.45 server The transaction log in the database 'master' will use I/O size of 4 Kb. 00:00000:00001:2007/04/11 21:12:06.51 server Warning: ASE_HA has no valid license and therefore is not initialized. 00:00000:00001:2007/04/11 21:12:06.53 server server name is 'ECOSERVERTL' 00:00000:00001:2007/04/11 21:12:06.54 server Activating disk 'common_data_dev' of size 819200 KB. 00:00000:00001:2007/04/11 21:12:06.54 kernel Initializing virtual device 5, 'D:\sybase_dev\common_data_dev' with dsync 'on'. 00:00000:00001:2007/04/11 21:12:06.54 kernel Virtual device 5 started using asynchronous i/o. 00:00000:00001:2007/04/11 21:12:06.54 server Activating disk 'common_log_dev' of size 614400 KB. 00:00000:00001:2007/04/11 21:12:06.54 kernel Initializing virtual device 6, 'D:\sybase_dev\common_log_dev' with dsync 'on'. 00:00000:00001:2007/04/11 21:12:06.54 kernel Virtual device 6 started using asynchronous i/o. 00:00000:00001:2007/04/11 21:12:06.54 server Activating disk 'general_data_dev' of size 2048000 KB. 00:00000:00001:2007/04/11 21:12:06.54 kernel Initializing virtual device 3, 'D:\sybase_dev\general_data_dev' with dsync 'on'. 00:00000:00001:2007/04/11 21:12:06.56 kernel Virtual device 3 started using asynchronous i/o. 00:00000:00001:2007/04/11 21:12:06.56 server Activating disk 'general_log_dev' of size 1024000 KB. 00:00000:00001:2007/04/11 21:12:06.56 kernel Initializing virtual device 4, 'D:\sybase_dev\general_log_dev' with dsync 'on'. 00:00000:00001:2007/04/11 21:12:06.56 kernel Virtual device 4 started using asynchronous i/o. 00:00000:00001:2007/04/11 21:12:06.56 server Activating disk 'roles_data_dev' of size 614400 KB. 00:00000:00001:2007/04/11 21:12:06.56 kernel Initializing virtual device 7, 'D:\sybase_dev\roles_data_dev' with dsync 'on'. 00:00000:00001:2007/04/11 21:12:06.56 kernel Virtual device 7 started using asynchronous i/o. 00:00000:00001:2007/04/11 21:12:06.56 server Activating disk 'roles_log_dev' of size 409600 KB. 00:00000:00001:2007/04/11 21:12:06.56 kernel Initializing virtual device 8, 'D:\sybase_dev\roles_log_dev' with dsync 'on'. 00:00000:00001:2007/04/11 21:12:06.56 kernel Virtual device 8 started using asynchronous i/o. 00:00000:00001:2007/04/11 21:12:06.56 server Activating disk 'sybsystemdb' of size 307200 KB. 00:00000:00001:2007/04/11 21:12:06.56 kernel Initializing virtual device 2, 'd:\sybase\data\sybsysdb.dat' with dsync 'on'. 00:00000:00001:2007/04/11 21:12:06.56 kernel Virtual device 2 started using asynchronous i/o. 00:00000:00001:2007/04/11 21:12:06.56 server Activating disk 'sysprocsdev' of size 358400 KB. 00:00000:00001:2007/04/11 21:12:06.56 kernel Initializing virtual device 1, 'd:\sybase\data\sybprocs.dat' with dsync 'on'. 00:00000:00001:2007/04/11 21:12:06.57 kernel Virtual device 1 started using asynchronous i/o. 00:00000:00001:2007/04/11 21:12:06.57 server Activating disk 'zcfjgeneral_data_dev' of size 2048000 KB. 00:00000:00001:2007/04/11 21:12:06.57 kernel Initializing virtual device 9, 'D:\sybase_dev\zcfjgeneral_data_dev' with dsync 'on'. 00:00000:00001:2007/04/11 21:12:06.57 kernel Virtual device 9 started using asynchronous i/o. 00:00000:00001:2007/04/11 21:12:06.57 kernel The 'number of devices' specified in your config file is not high enough. It must exceed your highest VDEVNO, which is '10'. 00:00000:00001:2007/04/11 21:12:06.57 kernel ueshutdown: exiting7821179 谢谢各位了。 |