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sqlsrvr(dataserver) 的启动参数-T 大家来收集


sqlsrvr(dataserver) 的启动参数-T 大家来收集








2007-7-26 14:18:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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行了(394548) 14:12:58
sqlsrvr(dataserver)是启动ASE的程序,有各种启动参数可选择,其中的-T启动参数,几乎没有讲解,但出问题的时候却经常被使用,例如 -T3607. 那里有-T参数的详细讲解的资料。

无言独上西楼(1095061) 14:13:37

行了(394548) 14:14:06

大家一起来收集 sqlsrvr(dataserver) 的启动参数-T

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-7-30 10:42:48编辑过]
共享共进共赢Sharing And Win-win Results
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JohnPhan 楼主







2007-7-26 14:24:00 | 显示全部楼层

3607的意思是:boot without recovering anything

恢复master数据库时候: ASE can't setup and has no valid dump of master

方法之一即是 编辑RUN_servername

提示:buidmaster程序在ASE >12 中没有了,由dataserver程序代替了

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-7-27 16:13:06编辑过]
共享共进共赢Sharing And Win-win Results
JohnPhan 楼主







2007-7-27 12:45:21 | 显示全部楼层


共享共进共赢Sharing And Win-win Results
JohnPhan 楼主







2007-7-30 10:38:31 | 显示全部楼层
Do not attempt a normal shutdown after using trace flags 3607 or 3608. Always
use shutdown with nowait in these cases.
共享共进共赢Sharing And Win-win Results
JohnPhan 楼主







2007-8-2 12:56:47 | 显示全部楼层

-T699 Turn off transaction logging for the entire SQL dataserver


共享共进共赢Sharing And Win-win Results
JohnPhan 楼主







2007-8-2 13:04:15 | 显示全部楼层

Trace flags can be set through dbcc traceon/traceoff or added to the
RUN_SERVER file , depending on their function and the desired effect.

292  - reduces network traffic by suppressing server-to-client "done-in-proc" network
       packets in combination with dbcc tune(“doneinproc”,0). (Note: in previous
       versions of this QuickRef, trace flag 260 was mistakenly mentioned here&#59; however,
       260 was for ASE version 10, and has been replaced with trace flag 292).
299  - don't recompile stored procs inheriting a temp table from a parent proc
302  - print info about the optimizer's index selection
310  - print info about the optimizer's join selection (for better join orders)
317  - print info about the optimizer's join selection (for rejected join orders)
319  - print info on reformatting decisions during query processing
1204 - replaced by config option "print deadlock information"
1213 - used with dbcc object_stats&#59; see there (12.0) 1608 - starts only engine 0 &#59; for use with dbcc engine ("online" )
1610 - replaced by config option "tcp no delay"
2512 - dbcc checkalloc will skip syslogs to suppress spurious alloc. errors
3300 - prints detailed info when performing recovery (can be voluminous)
3502 - log checkpointing of databases in the server errorlog
3604 - redirect dbcc output to client session
3605 - redirect dbcc output to the server errorlog
3607 - opens only master device&#59; "master" db is accessible but not recovered
3608 - recovering only "master" db&#59; other databases are accessible but not recovered&#59; to avoid "log suicide", use "shutdown with nowait" and do not checkpoint.
3609 - all databases are recovered, but tempdb is not re-initialised
3610 - divide-by-zero results in NULL (as in version 4.x), instead of an error
4001 - write every login record to the server errorlog
4012 - don't start checkpoint process
4013 - write loginname, spid and kpid to the server errorlog for every login
4044 - allows to log into server as "sa" when this login is locked
8003 - prints info on RPC calls
8203 - display locking info when deadlock occurs
8399 - used by dbcc monitor to fill sysmonitors table
11201 - Logs CIS client connect- / disconnect- and attention events
11202 - Logs CIS client language, cursor declare, dynamic prepare, and dynamic
execute-immediate text
11203 - Logs CIS client rpc events
11204 - Logs all CIS messages routed to client
11205 - Logs all CIS interaction with remote servers
11209 - For "update statistics" on proxy tables, only get row counts, not complete
distribution statistics
11218 - Cursors involving proxy tables will be "read only" by default


[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-2 13:28:40编辑过]
共享共进共赢Sharing And Win-win Results
JohnPhan 楼主







2007-8-2 13:25:33 | 显示全部楼层
200 "Before" image of query tree
      201 "After" image of query tree
      260 To prevent "done_in_proc" messages
      302 Information in index selection
      310 Information in join selection
      317 Complete information in join selection (voluminous)
      320 Turn off join order heuristic
      1204 Print out deadlock chains and victim
      1205 Print out stack traces of deadlocked pids. Use in conjuction with 1204
      2512 Bypass syslogs when doing checkalloc
      1603 Use only standard unix calls for disk I/O
      1610 Disable packet batching
      3300 Display each log record as it is processed by recovery (voluminous)
      3402 Do a alloc upgrade during loaddb recovery
      3604 Send dbcc output to screen
      3605 Send dbcc output to errorlog
      3607 Do not recover any database, clear tempdb, or startup checkpoint
      3608 Recover master only. Do not clear tempdb, or startup checkpoint
      3609 Recover all databases. Do not clear tempdb, or startup checkpoint
      3620 Do not kill infected processes
      3701 Allows dropping and creating of system indexes (DANGEROUS!)
      4000 Crash server at next loop for recovery testing
      4012 Boot without starting up checkpoint process
      4013 Place a record into errorlog each time someone logs in to the server
      5101 Engine 0 will perform all disk and network I/O.
      5102 Prevents engine 0 from running any non-affinitied tasks
      8399 Enable descriptive names for groups (dbcc monitor)
共享共进共赢Sharing And Win-win Results
JohnPhan 楼主







2007-8-2 13:31:31 | 显示全部楼层

1.3.4 Trace Flags -- 5101 and 5102


Normally, each engine issues and checks for its own Disk I/O on behalf of the tasks it runs. In completely symmetric operating systems, this behavior provides maximum I/O throughput for ASE. Some operating systems are not completely symmetric in their Disk I/O routines. For these environments, the server can be booted with the 5101 trace flag. While tasks still request disk I/O from any engine, the actual request to/from the OS is performed by engine 0. The performance benefit comes from the reduced or eliminated contention on the locking mechanism inside the OS kernel. To enable I/O affinity to engine 0, start ASE with the 5101 Trace Flag.

Your errorlog will indicate the use of this option with the message:

	Disk I/O affinitied to engine: 0

This trace flag only provides performance gains for servers with 3 or more dataserver engines configured and being significantly utilized.

Use of this trace flag with fully symmetric operating systems will degrade performance!


The 5102 trace flag prevents engine 0 from running any non-affinitied tasks. Normally, this forces engine 0 to perform Network I/O only. Applications with heavy result set requirements (either large results or many connections issuing short, fast requests) may benefit. This effectively eliminates the normal latency for engine 0 to complete running its user thread before it issues the network I/O to the underlying network transport driver. If used in conjunction with the 5101 trace flag, engine 0 would perform all Disk I/O and Network I/O. For environments with heavy disk and network I/O, engine 0 could easily saturate when only the 5101 flag is in use. This flag allows engine 0 to concentrate on I/O by not allowing it to run user tasks. To force task affinity off engine 0, start ASE with the 5102 Trace Flag.

Your errorlog will indicate the use of this option with the message:

	I/O only enabled for engine: 0

Warning: Not supported by Sybase. Provided here for your enjoyment.


1.3.4 Trace Flags -- 5101 and 5102


Normally, each engine issues and checks for its own Disk I/O on behalf of the tasks it runs. In completely symmetric operating systems, this behavior provides maximum I/O throughput for ASE. Some operating systems are not completely symmetric in their Disk I/O routines. For these environments, the server can be booted with the 5101 trace flag. While tasks still request disk I/O from any engine, the actual request to/from the OS is performed by engine 0. The performance benefit comes from the reduced or eliminated contention on the locking mechanism inside the OS kernel. To enable I/O affinity to engine 0, start ASE with the 5101 Trace Flag.

Your errorlog will indicate the use of this option with the message:

	Disk I/O affinitied to engine: 0

This trace flag only provides performance gains for servers with 3 or more dataserver engines configured and being significantly utilized.

Use of this trace flag with fully symmetric operating systems will degrade performance!


The 5102 trace flag prevents engine 0 from running any non-affinitied tasks. Normally, this forces engine 0 to perform Network I/O only. Applications with heavy result set requirements (either large results or many connections issuing short, fast requests) may benefit. This effectively eliminates the normal latency for engine 0 to complete running its user thread before it issues the network I/O to the underlying network transport driver. If used in conjunction with the 5101 trace flag, engine 0 would perform all Disk I/O and Network I/O. For environments with heavy disk and network I/O, engine 0 could easily saturate when only the 5101 flag is in use. This flag allows engine 0 to concentrate on I/O by not allowing it to run user tasks. To force task affinity off engine 0, start ASE with the 5102 Trace Flag.

Your errorlog will indicate the use of this option with the message:

	I/O only enabled for engine: 0

Warning: Not supported by Sybase. Provided here for your enjoyment.


Trace Flags
108(Documented) To allow dynamic and host variables in create view statements in ASE 12.5 and above.
200Displays messages about the before image of the query-tree.
201Displays messages about the after image of the query-tree.
241Compress all query-trees whenever the SQL dataserver is started.
260Reduce TDS (Tabular Data Stream) overhead in stored procedures. Turn off done-in-behaviour packets. Do not use this if your application is a ct-lib based application; it'll break.

Why set this on? Glad you asked, typically with a db-lib application a packet is sent back to the client for each batch executed within a stored procedure. This can be taxing in a WAN/LAN environment.

291Changes the hierarchy and casting of datatypes to pre-11.5.1 behaviour. There was an issue is some very rare cases where a wrong result could occur, but that's been cleared up in 11.9.2 and above.

The trace can be used at boot time or at the session level. Keep in mind that it does not disqualify a table scan from occurring. What it will do is result in fewer datatype mismatch situations and thus the optimizer will be able to estimate the costs of SARGs and joins on columns involved in a mismatch.

299This trace flag instructs the dataserver to not recompile a child stored procedure that inherits a temp table from a parent procedure.
302Print information about the optimizer's index selection.
303Display OR strategy
304Revert special or optimizer strategy to that strategy used in pre-System 11 (this traceflag resolved several bug issues in System 11, most of these bugs are fixed in ASE
310Print information about the optimizer's join selection.
311Display the expected IO to satisfy a query. Like statistics IO without actually executing.
317Provide extra optimization information.
319Reformatting strategies.
320Turn off the join order heuristic.
324Turn off the like optimization for ad-hoc queries using @local_variables.
326(Only valid in ASE versions prior to 11.9.2.)  Instructs the server to use arithmetic averaging when calculating density instead of a geometric weighted average when updating statistics.  Useful for building better stats when an index has skew on the leading column.  Use only for updating the stats of a table/index with known skewed data.
602Prints out diagnostic information for deadlock prevention.
603Prints out diagnostic information when avoiding deadlock.
699Turn off transaction logging for the entire SQL dataserver.
1204*Send deadlock detection to the errorlog.
1205Stack trace on deadlock.
1206Disable lock promotion.
1603*Use standard disk I/O (i.e. turn off asynchronous I/O).
1605Start secondary engines by hand
1606Create a debug engine start file. This allows you to start up a debug engine which can access the server's shared memory for running diagnostics. I'm not sure how useful this is in a production environment as the debugger often brings down the server. I'm not sure if Sybase have ported the debug stuff to 10/11. Like most of their debug tools it started off quite strongly but was never developed.
1608Startup only engine 0; use dbcc engine("online") to incrementally bring up additional engines until the maximum number of configured engines.
1610*Boot the SQL dataserver with TCP_NODELAY enabled.
1611*If possible, pin shared memory -- check errorlog for success/failure.
1613Set affinity of the SQL dataserver engine's onto particular CPUs -- usually pins engine 0 to processor 0, engine 1 to processor 1...
1615SGI only: turn on recoverability to filesystem devices.
1625Linux only: Revert to using cached filesystem I/O.  By default, ASE on Linux (11.9.2 and above) opens filesystem devices using O_SYNC, unlike other Unix based releases, which means it is safe to use filesystems devices for production systems.
2512Prevent dbcc from checking syslogs. Useful when you are constantly getting spurious allocation errors.
3300Display each log record that is being processed during recovery. You may wish to redirect stdout because it can be a lot of information.
3500Disable checkpointing.
3502Track checkpointing of databases in errorlog.
3601Stack trace when error raised.
3604Send dbcc output to screen.
3605Send dbcc output to errorlog.
3607Do not recover any database, clear behaviour start up checkpoint process.
3608Recover master only. Do not clear tempdb or start up checkpoint process.
3609Recover all databases. Do not clear tempdb or start up checkpoint process.
3610Pre-System 10 behaviour: divide by zero to result in NULL instead of error - also see Q6.2.5.
3620Do not kill infected processes.
4001Very verbose logging of each login attempt to the errorlog. Includes tons of information.
4012Don't spawn chkptproc.
4013Place a record in the errorlog for each login to the dataserver.
4020Boot without recover.
5101Forces all I/O requests to go through engine 0. This removes the contention between processors but could create a bottleneck if engine 0 becomes busy with non-I/O tasks. For more information...5101/5102.
5102Prevents engine 0 from running any non-affinitied tasks. For more information...5101/5102.
7103Disable table lock promotion for text columns.
8203Display statement and transaction locks on a deadlock error.
*Starting with System 11 these are sp_configure'able

1.3.4 Trace Flags -- 5101 and 5102


Normally, each engine issues and checks for its own Disk I/O on behalf of the tasks it runs. In completely symmetric operating systems, this behavior provides maximum I/O throughput for ASE. Some operating systems are not completely symmetric in their Disk I/O routines. For these environments, the server can be booted with the 5101 trace flag. While tasks still request disk I/O from any engine, the actual request to/from the OS is performed by engine 0. The performance benefit comes from the reduced or eliminated contention on the locking mechanism inside the OS kernel. To enable I/O affinity to engine 0, start ASE with the 5101 Trace Flag.

Your errorlog will indicate the use of this option with the message:

	Disk I/O affinitied to engine: 0

This trace flag only provides performance gains for servers with 3 or more dataserver engines configured and being significantly utilized.

Use of this trace flag with fully symmetric operating systems will degrade performance!


The 5102 trace flag prevents engine 0 from running any non-affinitied tasks. Normally, this forces engine 0 to perform Network I/O only. Applications with heavy result set requirements (either large results or many connections issuing short, fast requests) may benefit. This effectively eliminates the normal latency for engine 0 to complete running its user thread before it issues the network I/O to the underlying network transport driver. If used in conjunction with the 5101 trace flag, engine 0 would perform all Disk I/O and Network I/O. For environments with heavy disk and network I/O, engine 0 could easily saturate when only the 5101 flag is in use. This flag allows engine 0 to concentrate on I/O by not allowing it to run user tasks. To force task affinity off engine 0, start ASE with the 5102 Trace Flag.

Your errorlog will indicate the use of this option with the message:

	I/O only enabled for engine: 0

Warning: Not supported by Sybase. Provided here for your enjoyment.


共享共进共赢Sharing And Win-win Results
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