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2007-11-15 11:32:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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00:00000:00000:2007/11/13 11:49:18.36 kernel  SySAM: Using licenses from: /export/home/sybase/SYSAM-2_0/licenses
00:00000:00000:2007/11/13 11:49:18.48 kernel  SySAM: Checked out license for 1 ASE_CORE (2010.12140/permanent/019A 0DD1 E20C FB5A).
00:00000:00000:2007/11/13 11:49:18.48 kernel  This product is licensed to: ZTE CORPORATION, an OEM license from Sybase, Inc.
00:00000:00000:2007/11/13 11:49:18.48 kernel  Checked out license ASE_CORE
00:00000:00000:2007/11/13 11:49:18.48 kernel  Adaptive Server Enterprise (Enterprise Edition)
00:00000:00000:2007/11/13 11:49:18.49 kernel  Using config area from primary master device.
00:00000:00000:2007/11/13 11:49:35.81 kernel  Using 10000 file descriptors.
00:00000:00000:2007/11/13 11:49:35.85 kernel  Adaptive Server Enterprise/15.0.1/EBF 13906 ESD#1/P/Sun_svr4/OS 5.8/ase1501/2394/64-bit/FBO/Fri Nov  3 23:39:29 2006
00:00000:00000:2007/11/13 11:49:35.85 kernel  Confidential property of Sybase, Inc.
00:00000:00000:2007/11/13 11:49:35.85 kernel  Copyright 1987, 2006
00:00000:00000:2007/11/13 11:49:35.85 kernel  Sybase, Inc.  All rights reserved.
00:00000:00000:2007/11/13 11:49:35.85 kernel  Unpublished rights reserved under U.S. copyright laws.
00:00000:00000:2007/11/13 11:49:35.85 kernel 
00:00000:00000:2007/11/13 11:49:35.85 kernel  This software contains confidential and trade secret information of Sybase,
00:00000:00000:2007/11/13 11:49:35.85 kernel  Inc.   Use,  duplication or disclosure of the software and documentation by
00:00000:00000:2007/11/13 11:49:35.85 kernel  the  U.S.  Government  is  subject  to  restrictions set forth in a license
00:00000:00000:2007/11/13 11:49:35.85 kernel  agreement  between  the  Government  and  Sybase,  Inc.  or  other  written
00:00000:00000:2007/11/13 11:49:35.85 kernel  agreement  specifying  the  Government's rights to use the software and any
00:00000:00000:2007/11/13 11:49:35.85 kernel  applicable FAR provisions, for example, FAR 52.227-19.
00:00000:00000:2007/11/13 11:49:35.85 kernel  Sybase, Inc. One Sybase Drive, Dublin, CA 94568, USA
00:00000:00000:2007/11/13 11:49:35.85 kernel  ASE booted on SunOS release 5.9 version Generic_118558-39.
00:00000:00000:2007/11/13 11:49:35.85 kernel  Using '/export/home/sybase/ASE-15_0/SYBDB0.cfg' for configuration information.
00:00000:00000:2007/11/13 11:49:35.85 kernel  Logging ASE messages in file '/export/home/sybase/ASE-15_0/install/SYBDB0.log'.
00:00000:00000:2007/11/13 11:49:35.85 kernel  Platform TCP network is forced to IPv4-only.
00:00000:00000:2007/11/13 11:49:35.85 kernel  ASE booted with TCP_NODELAY enabled.
00:00000:00000:2007/11/13 11:49:35.94 kernel  SSL Plus v5.0.4 security modules loaded successfully.
00:00000:00000:2007/11/13 11:49:35.94 kernel  Network and device connection limit is 9990.
00:00000:00000:2007/11/13 11:49:38.29 server  Number of blocks left for proc headers: 6920.
00:00000:00000:2007/11/13 11:49:38.30 server  Proc header memory allocated 461 pages for each per engine cache
00:00000:00000:2007/11/13 11:49:38.31 server  Size of the 8K memory pool: 8192 Kb
00:00000:00000:2007/11/13 11:49:38.31 server  Memory allocated for the default data cache cachelet 1: 8192 Kb
00:00000:00000:2007/11/13 11:49:38.31 kernel  Enabling Sun Kernel asynchronous disk I/O strategy.
00:00000:00000:2007/11/13 11:49:38.31 kernel  Initializing virtual device 0, '/data0/master.dat' with dsync 'on'.
00:00000:00000:2007/11/13 11:49:38.31 kernel  Virtual device 0 started using asynchronous i/o.
00:00000:00000:2007/11/13 11:49:38.31 server  Loaded default Unilib conversion handle.
00:00000:00000:2007/11/13 11:49:38.38 kernel  Worker Thread Manager is not enabled for use in ASE.
00:00000:00000:2007/11/13 11:49:38.38 kernel  Either the config parameter 'use security services' is set to 0, or ASE does not support use of external security mechanisms on this platform. The Security Control Layer will not be initialized. No external security mechanisms will be supported.
00:00000:00000:2007/11/13 11:49:38.43 kernel  Unix interval timer enabled for sysclk interrupts.
00:00000:00000:2007/11/13 11:49:38.47 kernel  engine 0, os pid 3150  online
00:00000:00000:2007/11/13 11:49:38.48 server  No active traceflags
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.51 kernel  libomni1 - Component Integration Services: using 'Sybase Client-Library/15.0/P-EBF13719 ESD #4/DRV.15.0.1/SPARC/Solaris 8/BUILD1500-074/64bit/OPT/Mon Jun  5 02:07:41 2006'
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.51 server  Opening Master Database ...
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.57 server  Loading ASE's default sort order and character set
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.66 server  Recovering database 'master'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.68 server  Started estimating recovery log boundaries for database 'master'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.68 server  Database 'master', checkpoint=(2333, 37), first=(2333, 37), last=(2333, 37).
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.68 server  Completed estimating recovery log boundaries for database 'master'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.68 server  Started ANALYSIS pass for database 'master'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.68 server  Completed ANALYSIS pass for database 'master'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.68 server  Log contains all committed transactions until 2007/11/13 11:48:14.62 for database master.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.68 server  Started REDO pass for database 'master'. The total number of log records to process is 1.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.69 server  Completed REDO pass for database 'master'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.69 server  Recovery of database 'master' will undo incomplete nested top actions.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.69 server  Started recovery checkpoint for database 'master'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.69 server  Completed recovery checkpoint for database 'master'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.75 server  Started filling free space info for database 'master'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.78 server  Completed filling free space info for database 'master'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.80 server  Started cleaning up the default data cache for database 'master'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.80 server  Completed cleaning up the default data cache for database 'master'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.81 server  Checking external objects.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.83 server  Database 'master' is now online.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.83 server  The transaction log in the database 'master' will use I/O size of 8 Kb.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.85 server  Warning: ASE_HA has no valid license and therefore is not initialized.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.85 server  server name is 'SYBDB0'
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.86 server  Activating disk 'sysprocsdev' of size 135168 KB.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.86 kernel  Initializing virtual device 1, '/data0/sysprocs.dat' with dsync 'on'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.86 kernel  Virtual device 1 started using asynchronous i/o.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.86 server  Activating disk 'tmplog101' of size 2048000 KB.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.86 kernel  Initializing virtual device 2, '/data1/tmplog101.dat' with dsync 'off'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.86 kernel  Virtual device 2 started using asynchronous i/o.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.86 server  Activating disk 'tmplog201' of size 2048000 KB.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.86 kernel  Initializing virtual device 3, '/data2/tmplog201.dat' with dsync 'off'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.86 kernel  Virtual device 3 started using asynchronous i/o.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.86 server  Activating disk 'tmpdata101' of size 2048000 KB.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.86 kernel  Initializing virtual device 4, '/data1/tmpdata101.dat' with dsync 'off'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.86 kernel  Virtual device 4 started using asynchronous i/o.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.86 server  Activating disk 'tmpdata201' of size 2048000 KB.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.86 kernel  Initializing virtual device 5, '/data2/tmpdata201.dat' with dsync 'off'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.87 kernel  Virtual device 5 started using asynchronous i/o.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.87 server  Activating disk 'log001' of size 10240000 KB.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.87 kernel  Initializing virtual device 6, '/data0/log001.dat' with dsync 'on'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.87 kernel  Virtual device 6 started using asynchronous i/o.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.87 server  Activating disk 'log101' of size 10240000 KB.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.87 kernel  Initializing virtual device 7, '/data1/log101.dat' with dsync 'on'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.87 kernel  Virtual device 7 started using asynchronous i/o.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.87 server  Activating disk 'log201' of size 10240000 KB.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.87 kernel  Initializing virtual device 8, '/data2/log201.dat' with dsync 'on'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.87 kernel  Virtual device 8 started using asynchronous i/o.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.87 server  Activating disk 'log301' of size 10240000 KB.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.87 kernel  Initializing virtual device 9, '/data3/log301.dat' with dsync 'on'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.87 kernel  Virtual device 9 started using asynchronous i/o.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.87 server  Activating disk 'log401' of size 10240000 KB.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.87 kernel  Initializing virtual device 10, '/data4/log401.dat' with dsync 'on'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.87 kernel  Virtual device 10 started using asynchronous i/o.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.87 server  Activating disk 'log501' of size 10240000 KB.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.87 kernel  Initializing virtual device 11, '/data5/log501.dat' with dsync 'on'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.87 kernel  Virtual device 11 started using asynchronous i/o.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.87 server  Activating disk 'data001' of size 16384000 KB.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.87 kernel  Initializing virtual device 12, '/data0/data001.dat' with dsync 'on'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.87 kernel  Virtual device 12 started using asynchronous i/o.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.87 server  Activating disk 'data101' of size 16384000 KB.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.87 kernel  Initializing virtual device 13, '/data1/data101.dat' with dsync 'on'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.87 kernel  Virtual device 13 started using asynchronous i/o.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.87 server  Activating disk 'data201' of size 16384000 KB.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.87 kernel  Initializing virtual device 14, '/data2/data201.dat' with dsync 'on'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.87 kernel  Virtual device 14 started using asynchronous i/o.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.87 server  Activating disk 'data301' of size 16384000 KB.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.87 kernel  Initializing virtual device 15, '/data3/data301.dat' with dsync 'on'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.87 kernel  Virtual device 15 started using asynchronous i/o.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.87 server  Activating disk 'data401' of size 16384000 KB.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.87 kernel  Initializing virtual device 16, '/data4/data401.dat' with dsync 'on'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.87 kernel  Virtual device 16 started using asynchronous i/o.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.87 server  Activating disk 'data501' of size 16384000 KB.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.87 kernel  Initializing virtual device 17, '/data5/data501.dat' with dsync 'on'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.87 kernel  Virtual device 17 started using asynchronous i/o.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.87 server  Activating disk 'data601' of size 16384000 KB.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.87 kernel  Initializing virtual device 18, '/data6/data601.dat' with dsync 'on'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.87 kernel  Virtual device 18 started using asynchronous i/o.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.87 server  Activating disk 'data701' of size 16384000 KB.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.87 kernel  Initializing virtual device 19, '/data7/data701.dat' with dsync 'on'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.87 kernel  Virtual device 19 started using asynchronous i/o.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.87 server  Activating disk 'data801' of size 16384000 KB.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.87 kernel  Initializing virtual device 20, '/data8/data801.dat' with dsync 'on'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.87 kernel  Virtual device 20 started using asynchronous i/o.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.87 server  Activating disk 'data901' of size 16384000 KB.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.87 kernel  Initializing virtual device 21, '/data9/data901.dat' with dsync 'on'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.87 kernel  Virtual device 21 started using asynchronous i/o.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.87 server  Activating disk 'data1001' of size 16384000 KB.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.87 kernel  Initializing virtual device 22, '/data10/data1001.dat' with dsync 'on'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.87 kernel  Virtual device 22 started using asynchronous i/o.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.87 server  Activating disk 'data1101' of size 16384000 KB.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.87 kernel  Initializing virtual device 23, '/data11/data1101.dat' with dsync 'on'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.87 kernel  Virtual device 23 started using asynchronous i/o.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.87 server  Activating disk 'data002' of size 16384000 KB.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.87 kernel  Initializing virtual device 24, '/data0/data002.dat' with dsync 'on'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.87 kernel  Virtual device 24 started using asynchronous i/o.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.87 server  Activating disk 'data102' of size 16384000 KB.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:38.87 kernel  Initializing virtual device 25, '/data1/data102.dat' with dsync 'on'.

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-11-15 11:37:18编辑过]
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zbinghao 楼主







2007-11-15 11:38:45 | 显示全部楼层


00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:39.11 server  Activating disk 'data914' of size 16384000 KB.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:39.11 kernel  Initializing virtual device 177, '/data9/data914.dat' with dsync 'on'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:39.11 kernel  Virtual device 177 started using asynchronous i/o.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:39.12 server  Activating disk 'data1014' of size 16384000 KB.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:39.12 kernel  Initializing virtual device 178, '/data10/data1014.dat' with dsync 'on'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:39.12 kernel  Virtual device 178 started using asynchronous i/o.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:39.12 server  Activating disk 'data1114' of size 16384000 KB.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:39.12 kernel  Initializing virtual device 179, '/data11/data1114.dat' with dsync 'on'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:39.12 kernel  Virtual device 179 started using asynchronous i/o.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:39.18 server  Recovering database 'sybsystemdb'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:39.19 server  Started estimating recovery log boundaries for database 'sybsystemdb'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:39.19 server  Database 'sybsystemdb', checkpoint=(862, 25), first=(862, 25), last=(862, 25).
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:39.19 server  Completed estimating recovery log boundaries for database 'sybsystemdb'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:39.19 server  Started ANALYSIS pass for database 'sybsystemdb'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:39.19 server  Completed ANALYSIS pass for database 'sybsystemdb'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:39.19 server  Log contains all committed transactions until 2007/11/10 11:08:36.62 for database sybsystemdb.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:39.19 server  Started REDO pass for database 'sybsystemdb'. The total number of log records to process is 1.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:39.19 server  Completed REDO pass for database 'sybsystemdb'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:39.19 server  Recovery of database 'sybsystemdb' will undo incomplete nested top actions.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:39.19 server  Started recovery checkpoint for database 'sybsystemdb'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:39.19 server  Completed recovery checkpoint for database 'sybsystemdb'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:39.21 server  Started filling free space info for database 'sybsystemdb'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:39.28 server  Completed filling free space info for database 'sybsystemdb'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:39.29 server  Started cleaning up the default data cache for database 'sybsystemdb'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:39.29 server  Completed cleaning up the default data cache for database 'sybsystemdb'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:39.29 server  Boot Count: 8
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:39.31 server  Checking external objects.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:39.32 server  The transaction log in the database 'sybsystemdb' will use I/O size of 8 Kb.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:39.33 server  Resident Node id: 8fc50fee5e03
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:39.33 server  Transaction coordinator initialized.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:39.33 server  Database 'sybsystemdb' is now online.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:39.36 server  Recovering database 'model'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:39.37 server  Started estimating recovery log boundaries for database 'model'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:39.39 server  Database 'model', checkpoint=(860, 32), first=(860, 32), last=(860, 32).
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:39.39 server  Completed estimating recovery log boundaries for database 'model'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:39.39 server  Started ANALYSIS pass for database 'model'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:39.39 server  Completed ANALYSIS pass for database 'model'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:39.39 server  Log contains all committed transactions until 2007/11/10 11:08:36.62 for database model.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:39.39 server  Started REDO pass for database 'model'. The total number of log records to process is 1.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:39.39 server  Completed REDO pass for database 'model'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:39.39 server  Recovery of database 'model' will undo incomplete nested top actions.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:39.39 server  Started recovery checkpoint for database 'model'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:39.41 server  Completed recovery checkpoint for database 'model'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:39.49 server  Started filling free space info for database 'model'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:39.50 server  Completed filling free space info for database 'model'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:39.50 server  Started cleaning up the default data cache for database 'model'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:39.50 server  Completed cleaning up the default data cache for database 'model'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:39.51 server  Checking external objects.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:39.67 server  The transaction log in the database 'model' will use I/O size of 8 Kb.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:39.67 server  Database 'model' is now online.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:39.67 server  The logical pagesize of the server is 8 Kb.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:39.67 server  0 dump conditions detected at boot time
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:39.67 server  Clearing temp db
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:41.35 server  The transaction log in the database 'tempdb' will use I/O size of 8 Kb.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:41.37 server  Database 'tempdb' is now online.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:41.45 server  Recovering database 'sybsystemprocs'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:41.46 server  Started estimating recovery log boundaries for database 'sybsystemprocs'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:41.47 server  Database 'sybsystemprocs', checkpoint=(14977, 45), first=(14977, 45), last=(14977, 45).
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:41.47 server  Completed estimating recovery log boundaries for database 'sybsystemprocs'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:41.47 server  Started ANALYSIS pass for database 'sybsystemprocs'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:41.47 server  Completed ANALYSIS pass for database 'sybsystemprocs'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:41.47 server  Log contains all committed transactions until 2007/11/13 11:48:14.56 for database sybsystemprocs.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:41.47 server  Started REDO pass for database 'sybsystemprocs'. The total number of log records to process is 1.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:41.47 server  Completed REDO pass for database 'sybsystemprocs'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:41.47 server  Recovery of database 'sybsystemprocs' will undo incomplete nested top actions.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:41.47 server  Started recovery checkpoint for database 'sybsystemprocs'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:41.52 server  Completed recovery checkpoint for database 'sybsystemprocs'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:41.59 server  Started filling free space info for database 'sybsystemprocs'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:41.61 server  Completed filling free space info for database 'sybsystemprocs'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:41.61 server  Started cleaning up the default data cache for database 'sybsystemprocs'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:41.61 server  Completed cleaning up the default data cache for database 'sybsystemprocs'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:41.68 server  Checking external objects.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:41.69 server  The transaction log in the database 'sybsystemprocs' will use I/O size of 8 Kb.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:41.71 server  Database 'sybsystemprocs' is now online.
00:00000:00009:2007/11/13 11:49:41.74 kernel  network name T2KFJ-DB0, interface IPv4, address, type tcp, port 4100, filter NONE
01:00000:00000:2007/11/13 11:49:42.26 kernel  engine 1, os pid 3151  online
02:00000:00000:2007/11/13 11:49:42.75 kernel  engine 2, os pid 3152  online
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:43.65 server  The wash size of the 8K buffer pool in cache default data cache has been changed from 1632 Kb to 984 Kb due to a change in the size of the pool.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:43.65 server  Recovery has tuned the size of '64K' pool in 'default data cache' to benefit recovery performance. The original configuration will be restored at the end of recovery.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:43.65 server  Recovery has tuned the size of '8K' pool in 'default data cache' to benefit recovery performance. The original configuration will be restored at the end of recovery.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:43.65 server  Recovery has tuned the '64K' pool in 'default data cache' by changing its 'local async prefetch limit' from 10 to 80. The original configuration will be restored at the end of recovery.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:43.65 server  Recovery has tuned the '8K' pool in 'default data cache' by changing its 'local async prefetch limit' from 10 to 80. The original configuration will be restored at the end of recovery.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:43.65 server  The server will recover databases serially.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:43.67 server  Recovering database 'NTP2000'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:43.68 server  Started estimating recovery log boundaries for database 'NTP2000'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:43.71 server  Database 'NTP2000', checkpoint=(120720, 11), first=(120720, 11), last=(120720, 11).
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:43.71 server  Completed estimating recovery log boundaries for database 'NTP2000'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:43.71 server  Started ANALYSIS pass for database 'NTP2000'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:43.71 server  Completed ANALYSIS pass for database 'NTP2000'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:43.71 server  Log contains all committed transactions until 2007/11/13 11:48:14.43 for database NTP2000.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:43.71 server  Started REDO pass for database 'NTP2000'. The total number of log records to process is 1.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:43.71 server  Completed REDO pass for database 'NTP2000'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:43.71 server  Recovery of database 'NTP2000' will undo incomplete nested top actions.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:43.71 server  Started recovery checkpoint for database 'NTP2000'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:43.73 server  Completed recovery checkpoint for database 'NTP2000'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:43.83 server  Started filling free space info for database 'NTP2000'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:43.86 server  Completed filling free space info for database 'NTP2000'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:43.86 server  Started cleaning up the default data cache for database 'NTP2000'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:43.92 server  Completed cleaning up the default data cache for database 'NTP2000'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:43.93 server  Checking external objects.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:43.97 server  The transaction log in the database 'NTP2000' will use I/O size of 8 Kb.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:44.00 server  Database 'NTP2000' is now online.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:44.00 server  Recovery has restored the value of 'local async prefetch limit' for '64K' pool in 'default data cache' from '80' to 'DEFAULT'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:44.00 server  Recovery has restored the value of 'local async prefetch limit' for '8K' pool in 'default data cache' from '80' to 'DEFAULT'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:44.02 server  Recovery has restored the original size for '64K' pool and '8K' pool in 'default data cache'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:44.02 server  Recovery complete.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:44.03 server  ASE's default unicode sort order is 'binary'.
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:44.03 server  ASE's default sort order is:
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:44.03 server   'bin_iso_1' (ID = 50)
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:44.03 server  on top of default character set:
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:44.03 server   'iso_1' (ID = 1).
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:44.03 server  Master device size: 200 megabytes, or 102400 virtual pages. (A virtual page is 2048 bytes.)

共享共进共赢Sharing And Win-win Results
zbinghao 楼主







2007-11-15 11:40:17 | 显示全部楼层


00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:44.03 server  ASE's default sort order is:
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:44.03 server   'bin_iso_1' (ID = 50)
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:44.03 server  on top of default character set:
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:44.03 server   'iso_1' (ID = 1).
00:00000:00001:2007/11/13 11:49:44.03 server  Master device size: 200 megabytes, or 102400 virtual pages. (A virtual page is 2048 bytes.)
01:00000:00313:2007/11/13 14:24:31.26 server  Invalid column length: 255. Value must be between 0 and 111 for 'all-pages' row with minimum row length of 36.
01:00000:00313:2007/11/13 14:24:31.28 kernel  pc: 0x000000008131aa6c pcstkwalk+0x20(0x0000010001d6a8d8, 0x0000010001d69c50, 0x000000000000270f, 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000)
01:00000:00313:2007/11/13 14:24:31.28 kernel  pc: 0x000000008131a954 ucstkgentrace+0x1b8(0x00000000510a005a, 0x0000000000000002, 0x000000000000270f, 0x0000010022eca678, 0x0000000000000000)
01:00000:00313:2007/11/13 14:24:31.28 kernel  pc: 0x00000000812acac0 ucbacktrace+0xb0(0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000002400, 0x0000000000007400, 0x0000010022eca678, 0x0000000082b3dc00)
01:00000:00313:2007/11/13 14:24:31.28 kernel  pc: 0x0000000080314b1c collocate+0x3bc(0x0000010025051480, 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000007, 0x00000000000000ff)
01:00000:00313:2007/11/13 14:24:31.29 kernel  pc: 0x0000000080a51f80 int LeDataRow::readRow(unsigned char*,LeVtuple*,LeDRReadMode,int,int,int*)+0x270(0x0000010023ddb080, 0x0000010025051480, 0x0000010023d9a758, 0x0000000000000016, 0x0000000000000010)
01:00000:00313:2007/11/13 14:24:31.29 kernel  pc: 0x0000000080ac8614 LeRetnCode LeSortOp::_LeOpNext()+0xf8(0x0000010023da4800, 0x0000000081fae510, 0x0000000080ac851c, 0x000000000000adb0, 0x0000000082b2e400)
01:00000:00313:2007/11/13 14:24:31.29 kernel  pc: 0x0000000080a7a854 LeRetnCode LeOperator:eOpNext()+0xf4(0x0000010023da4800, 0x0000010001d6ad8c, 0x0000000081fa7400, 0x0000000080add36c, 0x0000000000000000)
01:00000:00313:2007/11/13 14:24:31.29 kernel  pc: 0x0000000080a7b98c int LeMJOp::getNextOuter()+0x344(0x0000010023da5e40, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000010023ddc050, 0x0000010023ddc028, 0x0000000000000001)
01:00000:00313:2007/11/13 14:24:31.29 kernel  pc: 0x0000000080a79500 LeRetnCode LeMJOp::_LeOpNext()+0xa0(0x0000010023da5e40, 0x0000000081fa7b60, 0x0000000080a79460, 0x000000000000adb0, 0x0000000082b2e400)
01:00000:00313:2007/11/13 14:24:31.29 kernel  pc: 0x0000000080ac9394 LeRetnCode LeOperator:eOpNext()+0xf4(0x0000010023da5e40, 0x0000010023dea0b1, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000026, 0x0000000000000004)
01:00000:00313:2007/11/13 14:24:31.29 kernel  pc: 0x0000000080ac82fc int LeSortInputStream(void**,sortdes*,datapage*)+0xac(0x0000010023da73f0, 0x0000010024041898, 0x0000010024c78000, 0x00000000000008bd, 0x0000010023de9f80)
01:00000:00313:2007/11/13 14:24:31.29 kernel  [Handler pc: 0x000000008042393c so_handle installed by the following function:-]
01:00000:00313:2007/11/13 14:24:31.29 kernel  [Handler pc: 0x000000008042393c so_handle installed by the following function:-]
01:00000:00313:2007/11/13 14:24:31.29 kernel  pc: 0x0000000080421cd4 startsort+0x109c(0x0000000000000024, 0x00000100240424a0, 0x0000000000000001, 0x0000000000000005, 0x000001002495c800)
01:00000:00313:2007/11/13 14:24:31.29 kernel  [Handler pc: 0x000000008042393c so_handle installed by the following function:-]
01:00000:00313:2007/11/13 14:24:31.29 kernel  pc: 0x00000000804207f4 sort+0x17bc(0x0000000000002000, 0x0000010022a07960, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000010024041f68, 0x0000010022a07960)
01:00000:00313:2007/11/13 14:24:31.29 kernel  pc: 0x0000000080ac81bc LeRetnCode LeSortOp::_LeOpOpen()+0x52c(0x0000010023da73f0, 0x0000010024041f68, 0x0000010023de9be8, 0x0000000000000000, 0x000000000000ac00)
01:00000:00313:2007/11/13 14:24:31.29 kernel  pc: 0x0000000080a5c7fc LeRetnCode LeEmittOp::_LeOpOpen()+0x20(0x0000010023da8e18, 0x0000000000004000, 0x0000000080ac7c90, 0x00000100249c5810, 0x0000000000000334)
01:00000:00313:2007/11/13 14:24:31.29 kernel  pc: 0x0000000080a4fa80 LePlanOpen+0x7c(0x00000100248ecc88, 0x000000000000d2ac, 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000004200, 0x0000000000000000)
01:00000:00313:2007/11/13 14:24:31.29 kernel  [Handler pc: 0x0000000080954d6c le_execerr installed by the following function:-]
01:00000:00313:2007/11/13 14:24:31.29 kernel  [Handler pc: 0x000000008068dcb4 aritherr installed by the following function:-]
01:00000:00313:2007/11/13 14:24:31.29 kernel  pc: 0x0000000080954890 exec_lava+0x708(0x000000000000acea, 0x00000100229fdbf2, 0x000000000000ad40, 0x0000000082b39c00, 0x000000000000000c)
01:00000:00313:2007/11/13 14:24:31.29 kernel  pc: 0x00000000806d40c4 s_execute+0x3dcc(0x0000010022a00140, 0x0000000000000000, 0x00000100229f2f08, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000008000)
01:00000:00313:2007/11/13 14:24:31.29 kernel  [Handler pc: 0x00000000806fcca4 s_handle installed by the following function:-]
01:00000:00313:2007/11/13 14:24:31.29 kernel  pc: 0x00000000806f8b30 sequencer+0x11c4(0x00000100229fdaa0, 0x000000000000a800, 0x00000100229f2f08, 0x000000000000ab98, 0x0000000082b2e400)
01:00000:00313:2007/11/13 14:24:31.29 kernel  pc: 0x00000000802e6dac tdsrecv_language+0xc4(0x0000000082b30800, 0x000000000000a800, 0x00000100229fdaa0, 0x000000000000ab98, 0x00000100229fdcd8)
01:00000:00313:2007/11/13 14:24:31.29 kernel  [Handler pc: 0x000000008063ae68 ut_handle installed by the following function:-]
01:00000:00313:2007/11/13 14:24:31.29 kernel  pc: 0x00000000802fc1ac conn_hdlr+0x2444(0x000000000000aab0, 0x0000000000001000, 0x000001000010ec00, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000082b39c00)
01:00000:00313:2007/11/13 14:24:31.30 kernel  pc: 0x000000008133061c _coldstart(0x000000000000006d, 0x00000000802f9d68, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000)
01:00000:00313:2007/11/13 14:24:31.30 kernel  end of stack trace, spid 313, kpid 1359609946, suid 3

共享共进共赢Sharing And Win-win Results







2007-11-16 08:25:53 | 显示全部楼层
共享共进共赢Sharing And Win-win Results
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