花了好长时间才发现原来要把一个 vsl.ini 放到windows目录下才行,只是不知道为什么要这个文件。
; ; VSL default settings ; [vsl-default] ; transport=netkey this is the network key of the default transport ; that the VSL will use if the netkey passed to ; InitVSL() is NULL transport=winsock
; trace=tracelevel ; VSL tracing bit settings: - default is 1+2 ; 1 /* msgs from 3rd party socket lib */ ; 2 /* VSL detected errors */ ; 4 /* VSL call tracing, implies 1+2+32 */ ; 8 /* hex dump of received data */ ; 16 /* hex dump of sent data */ ; 32 /* msgs from VSL TSR code */ ;trace=4 ; ; Transports supported by the VSL. ; netkey=description where netkey is the network key for the transport and ; description is the name or title of the transport. ; version=3.0.11 [vsl-transports] 3open="3Com 3+Open TCP" 3open2="3Com 3+Open TCP version 2.0" bw="Beame & Whiteside TCP/IP" dlink="D-Link TCP/IP for DOS" pworks="digital PATHWORKS for DOS (TCP/IP)" novlwp="Novell LAN WorkPlace for DOS" ftp="FTP PC/TCP" hparpa="HP ARPA Services for DOS" locus2="Locus TCP/IP for DOS" lanman="Microsoft LAN Manager TCP/IP v2.1" lanman2="Microsoft LAN Manager TCP/IP v2.1a" pcnfs="Sun PC-NFS" pcnfs2="Sun PC-NFS v3.5" pcnfs4="Sun PC-NFS v4.0" net wintcp="Wollongong WIN/TCP for DOS" pathway="Wollongong PathWay Access for DOS" winsock="Windows Sockets TCP/IP v.1.1" wsock10="Windows Sockets TCP/IP v.1.0"
; ; Transport specific information ; [ftp-transport] ; protocol=This line is only used by JSB MultiView DeskTop protocol=rlogin,telnet,rsh,rexec ; dllmodule=This line is only used by JSB MultiView DeskTop dllmodule=MSOCKLIB.DLL ; netmodule=For a TSR supported transport, this should contain ; the TSR signature. ; For a DLL supported transport, the name of the DLL netmodule=MFTP ; netinterface=This entry should contain TSR or DLL depending on how ; the transport is supported through the VSL. netinterface=TSR ; private=This line is only used by JSB MultiView DeskTop ;private=
[3open-transport] protocol=rlogin,telnet,rsh,rexec dllmodule=MSOCKLIB.DLL netmodule=M3OPEN netinterface=TSR ;private=
[pworks-transport] protocol=rlogin,telnet,rsh,rexec dllmodule=MSOCKLIB.DLL netmodule=M3OPEN netinterface=TSR ;private=
[3open2-transport] protocol=rlogin,telnet,rsh,rexec dllmodule=MSOCKLIB.DLL netmodule=M3OPEN.DLL netinterface=DLL ;private=
[bw-transport] protocol=rlogin,telnet,rsh,rexec dllmodule=MSOCKLIB.DLL netmodule=MBW netinterface=TSR ;private=
[dlink-transport] protocol=rlogin,telnet,rsh,rexec dllmodule=MSOCKLIB.DLL netmodule=MLOCUS2 netinterface=TSR ;private=
[wsock10-transport] protocol=rlogin,telnet,rsh,rexec dllmodule=MSOCKLIB.DLL netmodule=MWSOCK10.DLL netinterface=DLL ;private=
[winsock-transport] protocol=rlogin,telnet,rsh,rexec dllmodule=MSOCKLIB.DLL netmodule=MWINSOCK.DLL netinterface=DLL ;private= version=3.0.11
[pcnfs4-transport] protocol=rlogin,telnet,rsh,rexec dllmodule=MSOCKLIB.DLL netmodule=MPCNFS4.DLL netinterface=DLL ;private=
[novlwp-transport] protocol=rlogin,telnet,rsh,rexec dllmodule=MSOCKLIB.DLL netmodule=MNOVLWP.DLL netinterface=DLL ;private=
[lanman2-transport] protocol=rlogin,telnet,rsh,rexec dllmodule=MSOCKLIB.DLL netmodule=MHPARPA.DLL netinterface=DLL ;private=
[hparpa-transport] protocol=rlogin,telnet,rsh,rexec dllmodule=MSOCKLIB.DLL netmodule=MHPARPA.DLL netinterface=DLL ;private=
[lanman-transport] protocol=rlogin,telnet,rsh,rexec dllmodule=MSOCKLIB.DLL netmodule=M3OPEN netinterface=TSR ;private=
[locus2-transport] protocol=rlogin,telnet,rsh,rexec dllmodule=MSOCKLIB.DLL netmodule=MLOCUS2 netinterface=TSR ;private=
[pcnfs-transport] protocol=rlogin,telnet,rsh,rexec dllmodule=MSOCKLIB.DLL netmodule=MPCNFS netinterface=TSR ;private=
[pcnfs2-transport] protocol=rlogin,telnet,rsh,rexec dllmodule=MSOCKLIB.DLL netmodule=MPCNFS2 netinterface=TSR ;private=
[netone-transport] protocol=rlogin,telnet,rsh,rexec dllmodule=MSOCKLIB.DLL netmodule=MNETONE netinterface=TSR ;private=
[wintcp-transport] protocol=rlogin,telnet,rsh,rexec dllmodule=MSOCKLIB.DLL netmodule=MWINTCP netinterface=TSR ;private=
[pathway-transport] protocol=rlogin,telnet,rsh,rexec dllmodule=MSOCKLIB.DLL netmodule=MPATHWAY.DLL netinterface=DLL ;private=